In this episode of "A View From The Bed," a podcast by CHI St. Vincent, we talk to Jennifer, a bariatric surgery patient, about her weight loss journey.

Weight loss surgery is a commitment to your body and to your health. Don’t be embarrassed to take the first step because it’s a tool to help you get where you need to be.

Dr. Brandon Ingram, Bariatric, General Surgeon, explains what a patient can expect with weight loss surgery.

Obesity is not just a cosmetic concern, it can also lead to long-term serious health problems. Dr. Brandon Ingram, General and Bariatric Surgeon, explains how.

Diet and exercise are the first steps to reach a healthy weight, if this is not successful, weight loss surgery may be a good option. Dr. Brandon Ingram, Bariatric and General Surgery, explains benefits of the gastric sleeve.

A healthy diet and routine exercise can help people lose weight, but for some, these steps may not be enough. that's when bariatric surgery offers an alternative solution.

My starting weight was 226 lbs at 5' tall with a BMI of 44. I am three years out weighing 116 lbs with a normal BMI of 22. I recovered very quickly from surgery and never had any complications.

I was 59 and miserable. I had reached the point of giving up on the weight loss struggle. I'd tried everything over the years, pointlessly. A great friend suggested I check into the gastric sleeve. I did and my life was about to be changed.

I had heard about the gastric sleeve surgery through a co-worker and decided to attend a seminar where I spoke at length with the surgeon about my history and concerns. I did a lot of research and soul searching and finally decided to move forward..

Rob and I went into the program completely open-minded with the goal of not only losing weight but “feeling” better, becoming more active and spending many more positive years together as a couple.

I lost 93 pounds. My goal of being an active, healthy "Gran T" has been achieved. The best of my journey is just beginning!