I lost a total of 106 lbs over the course of a year. What I gained in its place is priceless.

HS-Bariatrics-17-small"I lost a total of 106 lbs over the course of a year. What I gained in its place is priceless. I regained my life that day."

I have struggled with weight most of my life. I remember being self-conscious about my weight as a child and that continued on into adulthood but really became an issue in my 30's.

After suffering for years with the emotional roller coaster of infertility and multiple miscarriages, my weight ballooned. My husband and I were desperate to have a child. My OB-GYN encouraged me to pursue weight loss in an effort to help us conceive a healthy pregnancy but after years of yo-yo dieting and inconsistent weight loss I was ready to make a change towards a permanent healthy lifestyle. Additionally, both of my parents are diabetic and I knew I was headed down a bad road if I didn't make changes.  

I had heard about the gastric sleeve surgery through a co-worker and decided to attend a seminar where I spoke at length with the surgeon about my history and concerns. I did a lot of research and soul searching and finally decided to move forward. After an intensive pre-surgical process that included dietary counseling, emotional counseling, support group attendance and incorporation of healthy food choices and exercise, I had my surgery in October 2014. I lost a total of 106 lbs over the course of a year. What I gained in its place is priceless. I regained my life that day.

I am HEALTHY. I am HAPPY. I LOVE myself again. I see a long and healthy life with my family and I am happy to report that the joy of my life was born February 28, 2017.


Anna Osborn