5 Ways to Prevent Cancer

5 Way to Prevent Cancer

With at least one-third of all cancer cases being preventable, now is the time to take action. That's why we outline five key things you can do to reduce your risk of cancer.

Quit Smoking

Tobacco use accounts for at least 30% of all cancer deaths and is responsible for almost 9 out of 10 lung cancer deaths. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in both men and women, and is one of the hardest cancers to treat.

Make an Active Change

Being active helps reduce your cancer risk by helping with weight control, and it can also help improve your hormone levels and the way your immune system works. Get at least 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity a day.

Know your Family History

Cancer is one of many diseases that has a family component. Talk to your doctor about your family history as well as medical concerns you have.

Stay Safe in the Sun

Sun protection is essential to skin cancer prevention - about 90% of non-melanoma skin cancers and 65% of melanomas are associated with exposure to UV radiation from the sun. Wear sunscreen with SPF no lower than 30.

Fight Cancer with Food

From beans to blueberries, compounds found in certain foods can pack a powerful punch! Other cancer-fighting foods include whole grains, garlic, tomatoes, and vegetables such as broccoli.

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