Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Weight loss isn’t always simple, but it’s easier when you have a great program and caring people supporting you.


We offer vertical sleeve gastrectomy weight loss surgery. This procedure involves removing roughly 75% of the stomach to reduce the amount of food a person can eat. Generally the post surgical patient can return to work after two weeks.



Qualifying for gastric sleeve surgery


Patients are a candidate for bariatric surgery if they have BMI > 40 and BMI > 35 with a comorbidity

Most insurance companies will cover the gastric sleeve procedure if you meet the qualifications. Some insurance requires additional qualifying measures such as a psychological exam, and certified dietician approval. Please consult with your specific insurance carrier for exact coverage.

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Why Choose Us?

If you struggle with your weight, our surgical weight loss program is designed for you. Our weight loss program offers individualized weight loss goals backed by a team who cares if their patients succeed.

  • Multidisciplinary team that collaborates on your care and provides a personalized approach.
  • Healthy lifestyle coaching that prepares you for life after weight loss surgery.
  • Diabetic education to help you navigate your new blood sugar numbers.


Will I have to change the way I eat after bariatric surgery?

Feb 26, 2017, 17:02 PM
Meta title :
Healthy weight loss following bariatric surgery depends on the patient’s willingness to adopt a new lifestyle, which includes changes in eating habits and getting regular exercise. It is essential for patients to avoid high-calorie, high-fat foods and drinks. Most bariatric surgeons advise their patients to eat several small meals throughout the day. In the immediate aftermath of gastric sleeve surgery, a patient will be required to stay on a liquid diet for up to two weeks, in order to let the body heal. For the first couple of years after weight loss surgery, a patient will drastically reduce calorie intake, which is limited to about 600-800 calories daily. When the weight target is reached, this may increase to 1,000-1,200 calories per day. Within about 8 weeks of the procedure, the diet can progress from liquids to solid foods.
Categories : Bariatric
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