A Gift From Above

CHI St. Vincent Health System shares your joy at the birth of a new baby. We know what an exciting time it is and how much your family and friends want to tell others about the precious new arrival. You can recognize anyone born at CHI St. Vincent Health System through “Gifts from Above,” regardless of their birth date. And you will know your gift truly keeps giving to others.

With a minimum contribution of $100 to St. Vincent Foundation, a nameplate with your baby’s name and birth date will be included on the Gifts from Above display in the Labor and Delivery Waiting Area. Pink and blue etched ribbons on the nameplates will identify baby girls and boys. Honoraria will be on silver plates and memorials on gold plates.

With a minimum contribution of $50, you can have a glass medallion with an etching of your baby’s footprint, name and birth date. The medallion can be used as a Christmas ornament or makes a great present for parents or grandparents.

Gifts from Above benefits CHI St. Vincent Center for Women & Children and the Perinatal Bereavement Program.