The Dangers of Elevated Blood Sugar

A1c is a blood test that provides a three-month snapshot of your blood sugar. “It is recommended by the American Diabetes Association to start screening for diabetes at the age of 45,” says Megan Kellar, APRN, a Certified Diabetic Educator. “However, if you have a history of diabetes in your family, if you have an elevated body mass index (BMI), if you have gestational diabetes, you may have to have that screening earlier.”

There are symptoms that may indicate your blood sugar is high. “We look for excessive thirst – if someone carries water with them all the time and cannot quench their thirst – and also weight loss. If your weight is dropping and you are not trying to do so, that is also a symptom.” If left untreated, elevated AIC can lead to serious health problems like cardiovascular disease and limb amputation.

Learn more about diabetes and endocrinology services at CHI St. Vincent.