A Healthy Lifestyle Helps Prevent Cancer

Cancer doctors and cancer specialists universally agree that making good lifestyle choices is the best form of cancer prevention. Our cancer specialists encourage you to make good lifestyle choices, according to the advice of the Cancer Prevention Foundation.If you will take cancer prevention seriously,your risk of developing cancer should be dramatically reduced. In addition to having higher energy levels, plus looking and feeling better, your overall health will improve—all benefits that are well worth the effort and discipline required!

Building a Cancer Program

Six Lifestyle Changes That Help Prevent Cancer 

Don't Use Tobacco

Apr 21, 2020, 14:58 PM
Not using tobacco is one of the best actions you can take for your health, including cancer prevention. If you have decided to quit tobacco use, your doctor or cancer specialist can refer you to products and other strategies to help you quit.
Meta title : Don't Use Tobacco to Prevent Cancer

Using any type of tobacco puts you at a much higher risk of cancer. Smoking has been linked to several types of cancer, including lung, bladder, cervix and kidney. Even if you don't personally smoke tobacco, being exposed to secondhand smoke can increase your risk of lung cancer. Chewing tobacco has been linked to tongue, gum, and pancreatic cancer.

Not using tobacco is one of the best actions you can take for your health, including cancer prevention. If you have decided to quit tobacco use, your doctor or cancer specialist can refer you to products and other strategies to help you quit.

Categories : Cancer Prevention
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